By WeYield
Passionnate about car rental company transformation in yield management



Adrian, with over 15 years of experience in car rental in Ireland working for Enterprise and Sixt in various capacities such as Operations, Channel Management, and Sales, understands the pivotal role car rental operations play in serving customers, often being their initial point of contact after long flights. Transitioning from the bustling front office to the quiet back office was initially jarring for him, prompting introspection about his career path.

He delves into the power of thought, citing statistics that reveal how people's thoughts shape their realities. Adrian advocates for conscious reprogramming of the subconscious mind to foster positive change gradually, emphasizing the mind's inability to distinguish between reality and imagination. He urges professionals to focus on their own businesses rather than fixating on competitors, stressing the importance of recognizing one's unique value proposition.

Adrian encourages embracing change incrementally, acknowledging that personal growth necessitates accepting failure and experimenting with resilient, profitable ventures. He outlines three types of goals—A, B, and C—highlighting the significance of pursuing goals driven by burning desires. Visualizing success mentally is underscored as a potent tool in achieving these objectives. In essence, Adrian advocates for a proactive mindset, strategic focus, and a willingness to evolve in the dynamic car rental industry.

What we have talked about

  • What is the balance between the system and the mind
  • How does our mind work facing an uncertain environment, where the volatility is extreme
  • How does our past experience influence our capacity to accept the change and the inconfort that comes with it
  • What are the actions we can put in place to set a new mind set.

Adrian Treacy can be contacted on Linked In


  • 00:00:00 Adrian Treacy introduction
  • 00:19:20 How the mindset approach got started
  • 00:34:30 Revenue management and mindset
  • 00:47:14 Setting a new paradygm, our new mental software
  • 00:53:45 How to overcome fear as a driver not to start
  • 01:13:14 3 types of goals A, B, C till the end



Guillaume Gery, pionnier du yield management dans la location de voitures depuis 2000, a transformé les tarifs fixes en une optimisation flexible, en tenant compte des variations de la demande et de la saisonnalité. Pour réussir cette transition, il est crucial d'accompagner les collaborateurs et de mettre en place un système d'information performant, soutenu par un esprit d'innovation.

La mise en place du yield management peut engendrer des coûts à court terme, mais les bénéfices à long terme sont significatifs, tant sur le plan financier que sur celui de l'amélioration des compétences des collaborateurs. Cette méthode permet de repenser l'organisation de l'entreprise et de la gérer différemment.

La puissance de calcul des outils informatiques est un atout majeur pour accélérer l'analyse et optimiser les revenus. Toutefois, il est essentiel de trouver un équilibre entre l'intervention humaine et l'automatisation, en laissant la machine effectuer les tâches d'exécution et en conservant le rôle de tacticien pour l'humain.

Un bon yield manager doit être capable de prendre le temps nécessaire pour comprendre les enjeux et ajuster sa stratégie en conséquence. Les compétences techniques peuvent s'acquérir, mais l'état d'esprit et l'envie de se dépasser sont des qualités essentielles pour réussir dans ce domaine.

Guillaume Géry est joignable sur Linked In.


  • 00:00:00 Présentation de Guillaume Gery
  • 00:15:35 Accès aux data et nouvelles mentalitésles : les débuts du yield
  • 00:28:20 Yield : gains financiers et nouvelles compétences
  • 00:40:54 Sois fainéant et laisse travailler la machine.
  • 00:57:08 Le profil du bon revenue manager
  • 01:10:03 Comment continuer à apprendre ?
  • 01:19:15 le conseil de Guillaume à Guillaume



L'approche tarifaire peut avoir une impact fort sur la valeur. Elise a expérimenté depuis 20 ans ces techniques d'optimisation du revenu apprises au cours de ses expériences passées (Club Med, Louvre Hotels, Media) sur son premier bien immobilier. L'idée lui est ensuite venue de créer J'Affiche Complet pour aider les propriétaires de locations saisonnières à mettre en place et gérer leur grille tarifaire et optimiser leur distribution. Depuis 2023, Elise organise un évènement majeur pour ce secteur avec comme point d'orgue l'événement "Rendez-vous de la location saisonnière" (mai 2024 pour la prochaine édition).

Nous apprenons au cours de cet échange que le Yield management est souvent confrontée à deux obstacles humains : d'une part, certains décisionnaires sont très motivés pour déléguer cette tâche à un expert ; d'autres perçoivent sa mise en place comme une perte de responsabilité. Il est crucial de partager une vision et un objectif global clairs. Il est également essentiel de bien comprendre les objectifs des différentes parties prenantes afin d'aligner la stratégie

Les caractéristiques d'un bon gestionnaire du revenu sont les suivantes :

  • Excellentes compétences en communication (orales et écrites), parfois dans un rôle d'évangélisateur interne et externe.
  • Capacité à mener le changement avec une approche pédagogique.
  • Souci de la qualité des résultats.
  • Forte appétence pour les chiffres, une maîtrise excellente d'Excel et une rigueur extrême.
  • Capacité à remettre en question les pratiques établies.

Elise Ripoche est joignable sur Linked In


  • 00:00:00 Présentation d'Elise Ripoche
  • 00:07:35 Les débuts en optimisation d'achat d'espaces publicitaires et dans l'hôtelerie
  • 00:28:20 C'est quoi un bon revenue manager? Comment adresser le travail en distanciel?
  • 00:43:50 Le why de J'Affiche Complet et l'approche de la tarification dans des projets de vie
  • 00:54:00 Le How de J'Affiche Complet et la prise de risque avec le Rdv de la location saisonnière
  • 01:05:45 Comment vulgariser le Revenue Management?
  • 01:17:15 L'accompagnement humain avec un expert et le peer-training
  • 01:23:55 Le feedback de l'équipe et les mastermind pour continuer de s'améliorer
  • 01:29:15 Le conseil d'Elise aujourd'hui à la Elise d'hier



Arturs, with extensive experience spanning 25 years in car rentals, began at Avis in Latvia. His visionary outlook in transport economics shaped a groundbreaking thesis on rental models, foreseeing the shift from car ownership to renting. From founding a luxury car club in Russia to relocating to the US, then Italy, he honed in on electronic distribution and online markets.

He criticizes legacy brands for undervaluing online potential, relying solely on reputation. Sixt and Enterprise stood out for prioritizing customer-centric approaches. Varied pricing strategies between the US and Europe significantly influenced sales tactics, notably aggressive upselling in the US.

Brokers revolutionized the industry through adept online marketing, though some struggle amid saturation and technology demands. New brands from resale markets lack rental expertise, posing challenges.

Recent affiliation program expansions stemmed from seasoned managers from established brands innovating sales approaches. Brokers embraced these changes, enhancing platforms and digital services, reducing operational costs. The industry’s evolution reflects a clash between stagnant veterans and innovative disruptors, fostering cost-effective, tech-driven rental models.


  • 0:00:00 to 0:08:05 Introduction of Arturs
  • 0:06:20 to 0:14:35 Entrepreneurship in Russia called Garage #1
  • 0:14:35 to 0:23:35 First mistake of the big brands
  • 0:23:35 to 0:28:20 Sixt is on a different path
  • 0:28:20 to 0:30:35 Difference between a franchise in Europe and the same brand in US
  • 0:38:45 to 0:52:08 Are all the brokers efficient and profitable?
  • 0:52:08 to 1:03:45 Residual value scisor effect
  • 1:03:45 to 1:14:50 Affiliation brands expanding
  • 1:14:50 to 1:31:05 Control the techno, use it as a servant for the customer satisfaction
  • 1:31:05 to end  



Adrian Treacy is Customer Success Manager at WeYield.

Like the majority of car hire companies, it almost certain that your pricing strategy and execution are in the hand of one person. So what happens if this suddenly, this key player in your organization becomes unavailable?

Specifically in the yield management domain, this situation can have a major impact on your sales performane including also managing your distribution channels.

With his long experience in car rental, Adrian shares his vision on  how to important is to have a continuity plan.

Here is his list of the 4 steps to anticipate any foreseen events and implement proactive processes to identify the key roles that are critical to day-to-day crucial to the business

  • cross-train the team member to step in different roles
  • succession planning to identify potential replacers for key roles
  • documentation and knowledge shares to be encouraged with enough and updated procedures

To implementation the plan, here is Adrian'tips:

  • conduct a risk assessement
  • develop a business continuity team
  • review and update plans on a regular basis
  • test the effectiveness of the plan
  • communicate and educate teams

Embrace the unexpected, get prepared with automation to continue piloting your operations with the less impact possible in the case of unexpected unavailabilyt of one of your key staff.

This podcast is produced by WeYield, the revenue management company dedicated to the car rental industry.


Julie Flores is the co-Founder and COO of Rate Highway, the undisputed leader in pricing automation for the last 22 years.

Here are some highlights from this episode:

  • Econtinuous rate monitoring remains crucial
  • Successful pricing execution is based on 3C"s : collection, comparison, and correction
  • Pricing : start with a simple strategy and gradually integrating advanced features proves beneficial

Julie Flores on Linked In

Implementing an effective pricing strategy in the competitive car rental industry demands a keen understanding of market dynamics and recent pricing shifts. Rate Highway's 1999 innovation introduced software as a service, transforming accessibility and maintenance.

While Europe's pricing simplicity contrasts with broker complexity, continuous rate monitoring remains crucial.

Automated pricing updates are now vital, easing manual management challenges and enhancing revenue by fostering forward-thinking analysis.

Successful revenue management relies on the 3C's: collection, comparison, and correction. Prioritizing data refinement over daily operations is necessary.

Suggestion: starting with a simple strategy and gradually integrating advanced features proves beneficial, while even a small time commitment towards pricing optimization yields significant financial gains. Simplifying tactics and setting clear goals are key to profitability amid the forthcoming AI-driven pricing landscape.

Timeline of the episode

  • 0:00:00 to 0:08:00 Introduction of Julie Flores
  • 0:06:20 to 0:09:20 History of Rate Highway started 1999
  • 0:09:20 to 0:18:05 Comparison between US and Europe way of managing their price
  • 0:18:05 to 0:22:45 Why using automatic rate updating system
  • 0:22:45 to 0:30:35 How does Rate Monitor work
  • 0:30:35 to 0:42:40 Start simple for a successful pricing strategy
  • 0:42:40 to 0:56:40 Avoid these pitfalls
  • 0:56:40 to 1:01:05 AI and machine learning in automatic pricing
  • 1:01:05 to end


This podcast is produced by WeYield, the revenue management company dedicated to the car rental industry.


What inspired Vassilis to venture into creating and operating software specifically tailored for car rental businesses?

What motivates him both personally and as a leader?

What key milestones mark his successful journey spanning three decades?

Vassilis Devletoglou is the Founder and CEO of Wheelsys, a Greek software company specializing in the management of various car rental operations.

Why did he choose the car rental industry in his early twenties during the late 90s? It was during his master's program in technology and yield management that he discovered the complexity and fascination of car rental operations. In December 2003, he introduced the first functional software that clients could fully utilize.

"The disparity in quality between Vassilis personally handling a task and micromanaging a team to do it his way is merely 5%." However, this micromanagement consumes opportunities for business expansion. Granting the Wheelsys team autonomy allows the company to operate successfully on its own.

The success isn't solely attributed to Wheelsys being good software, but rather to their ongoing commitment to creativity and weekly updates, continuously enhancing their operating system. They are not content with staying within their comfort zone. As an example, Vassilis Devletoglou made the bold decision to transition Wheelsys entirely to a web-based version, while many competitors still operated on local servers or maintained both options.

How do you prepare for such a significant change in the operating system? A successful migration begins with management's commitment to the switch and a thorough understanding of internal strengths and weaknesses. It goes beyond merely signing a contract and paying a fee. Success hinges on the team's dedication, supported by the management team. It requires stepping out of the company's comfort zone, and it's essential not to expect operations to continue in the same way as before. Engaging a consulting firm can significantly facilitate communication between the client and the supplier.

"Let make things by the staff that technology can not do.

Here are some highlights from this episode:

  • Explore the process of conceptualizing and developing his initial software version, v0.00.001.
  • Understand the significance of early supporters who believed in Vassilis' vision.
  • Discover George, Vassilis' alter-ego.
  • Learn about the concept of the Genie zone as an alternative to traditional job offers.
  • Receive valuable tips on effectively managing a successful operating system migration.
  • Embrace the idea of breaking out of the comfort zone.

Vassilis Devletoglou on Linked In

Timeline of the episode

  • 0:00:00 to 0:08:00 Introduction of Vassilis Devletoglou
  • 0:08:00 to 0:17:00 Vassilis history as software engineer who focused on car software
  • 0:17:00 to 0:26:40 Vassilis first rental experiences in 2001 to explore the process
  • 0:26:40 to 0:36:15 2004, Olympic games and first 5 clients followed by 30
  • 0:36:15 to 0:42:30 Hiring: no coincidence in two persons matching
  • 0:42:30 to 0:52:00 Sharing values but no micro-managing
  • 0:52:00 to 1:04:45 Internationalization and migration as a webapp
  • 1:04:45 to :25:10 How to prepare a system migration with success
  • 1:25:10 to 1:43:45 The future of the operating system
  • 1:04:45 to 1:52:28 Impact of electric fleet
  • 1:52:28 to end How does Vassilis continue to learn, conclusion


This podcast is produced by WeYield, the revenue management company dedicated to the car rental industry.


Is everything a commodity, even something as basic as water or car rentals? Karan confidently asserts that with the right approach, anything can be transformed into a valuable brand asset. The perception of something as a mere commodity arises from a lack of perceived value and effective marketing strategies. That is said!

Karan is the undisputed reference of pricing strategies, dedicating his entire career to mastering this vital domain. He's left his mark across diverse industries, from automobiles to Yellow Pages and health products, and is currently at the helm of pricing excellence at Rakuten, overseeing the Kobo reader.

Here is some of what you will find in this episode:

Within our cognitive framework, two distinct mental processes govern our pricing decisions. One is the rapid, instinctual reaction that references price as a primary factor. Simultaneously, a slower cognitive process evaluates the various elements comprising the value proposition, including intricate psychological factors that influence pricing.

Remember, a strong brand isn't cultivated on third-party broker sites; it blossoms on your very own platform and during the delivery of exceptional service. Building a brand demands both time and financial investments. However, car rental operators needn't scramble to attract all customer segments simultaneously, whether they're low-value, mid-value, or high-value customers.

It's important to recognize that most individuals are inherently more averse to losses than they are drawn to potential gains.

Karan Sood on Linked In

Timeline of the episode

  • 0:00:00 to 0:06:00 Introduction of Karan Sood
  • 0:06:00 to 0:19:00 100% as pricer in a wide range of sectors
  • 0:19:00 to 0:27:40 Everything is a commodity if you leave the space for a commodity
  • 0:27:40 to 0:37:55 Do the operators competete on price or on the realvalue proposition?
  • 0:37:55 to 0:54:00 Brand building is off the transaction, much earlier
  • 0:54:00 to 1:12:00 Understand the "good, better and best" concept
  • 1:12:00 to 1:20:00 Do not be shy to do A/B testing in price1:20:00 to the end conclusion


- Kobo by Rakuten

- Daniel Kanheman Thinkink fast and slow

- Liquid death

- Advanced Car Lebanon

- Rent a Wreck

- U-Haul

- Predictably Irrational by Dr. Dan Ariely

- Snow White at AirB&B

This podcast is produced by WeYield, the revenue management company dedicated to the car rental industry.


Pourquoi et comment changer de système de gestion opérationnel (aussi appelé ERP) ?

Dans cet épisode, Emmanuel Scuto, fondateur et PDG de WeYield, échange avec Denis Maure, co-associé et Directeur Général de Sepamat, le premier franchisé Europcar en France, autour du projet de migration de son ERP vieu de 40 ans vers la solution Wheels. Denis partage la méthode employée pour faire de ce chantier titanesque un succès.

Sujets du podcast

  • changer son système d'information ERP, pourquoi ? comment ?
  • quelles sont les étapes clefs?
  • comment organiser et animer les équipes en interne
  • les éléments clefs du succès

Sepamat, entreprise pionnière en mobilité automobile, promeut l'usage judicieux de la voiture via 25 agences dans l'ouest de la France. Les marques qu'elle opère sont Europcar, LocEco et Marguerite (auto-partage), avec une flotte totale de 7000 véhicules pour un CA de 60m€.

Face à l'arrêt imminent du système opérationnel vieillissant après 40 ans, Sepamat agit. Collaborant avec un consultant externe, elle effectue un audit interne pour les spécifications. Le choix s'arrête sur le système Wheels par Invensys qui édite un logiciel entièrement dédié à la location de voitures. Coordonner les multiples interfaces était clé pour le lancement. Le projet a également été l'occasion de revoir le site web et de la gestion des données.

La barrière de la lanque a été gérée facilement et les adaptations se sont faites en interne.

L'organisation fut essentielle : réunions hebdo  supervisées par le consultant extérieur de Next Décision, comité de projet régulier. L'entreprise s'est segmentée en processus métier gérés par des responsables dédiés en charge de la livraison des modules et de leur recettage. La Covid a été une bonne chose car elle a libèré des ressources pour ce projet. Le lancement, intialement prévu fin février 2021 est retardé au week-end de Pâques pour optimiser les ressources. Le rôle du DG a été de maintenir les liens avec les parties prenantes et d'anticiper les risques.

Ce projet a été au-delà d'une simple mise à jour informatique : c'est une transformation organisationnelle exigeant une équipe compétente et une gestion adéquate. La disponibilité des équipes (50% de leur temps) est cruciale. Le lancement est salué pour la hausse d'efficacité et de productivité, permettant de nouveaux développements. Il a également mis en lumière les impacts sur le back-office, sous-estimés au départ du projet.

Pour suivre Denis sur Linked In

Dans cet épisode

  • 0:00:00 à 0:05:40 introduction de Denis Maure, présentation de Sepamat Europcar Atlantique
  • 0:05:40 à 0:9:15 pourquoi changer de PMS-système opérationnel ?
  • 0:9:15 à 0:17:30 organiser un audit interne pour aider à réaliser le cahier des charges
  • 0:17:30 à 0:28:50 choix de la solution Wheelsys par Invensys avec quels arbitrages
  • 0:28:50 à 0:40:00 comment coordonner tous les intervenants et animer le(s) projet(s)?
  • 0:40:00 à 0:50:00 go live : quelle date ?
  • 0:50:00 à la fin enseignements et résultats tirés de cette migration



Europcar Atlantique


Marguerite auto-partage



WeYield revenue management




How Tom Wood Automotive-Sixt franchisee in US did to manage the best way possible the Covid lockdowns? How to maximize profitability prioritizing the revenue per unit per month over utilization? What a pretty refreshing look of revenue optimization!

In this episode, Emmanuel Scuto, founder and CEO of WeYield, talks with Jared Kinnaird, Revenue and Operation Director at Tom Wood Automative (Sixt franchisee in USA).

They talk about

- 2008 and Covid crisis and the learnings to face them

- The higher price is, the better the client is to treat the fleet

- Utilization is not the main goal but the daily dollar average to maximize the revenue per unit.

- "Try tomorrow being better than yesterday"

During Covid (2021-2022), Tom Wood Automotive implemented a cost-saving measure by reducing the workweek from 5 days to 4 days, resulting in significant cost reduction without any layoffs. Going forward, the car rental fleet will not be reduced to the extent it was in 2008 and 2020. Jared believes that having a larger proportion of the fleet at risk presents better profit opportunities after the holding period.

However, this tactic is part of a broader strategy to reduce both the car rental fleet size and utilization, aiming for lower mileage and cleaner cars for sale. In 2019, at Minneapolis airport, rental days increased by 16%, while rental revenue grew by 120%. It's important to consider more than just direct fleet costs. At Sixt Tom Wood Automotive, Jared also focuses on the softer side of costs.

When facing an excess fleet, it's necessary to lower prices to rent out those cars. On the other hand, if the fleet is correctly sized or slightly under-sized, rental costs can be increased as fewer rentals are needed to cover the expenses. After conducting a thorough revenue management analysis, the owners realized that it's beneficial to wait longer before entering the market to capture more profitable transactions.

Jared's focus is on maximizing the revenue per unit per month rather than maximizing utilization. By reducing the volume and increasing the average daily dollar amount, the company has succeeded in improving profitability. Nota: WeYield apps have introduced the RevCar indicator (revenue per available car) to directly track this on the performance graphs.


- To follow Jared

- Nathalie Aubin what about fleet optimization (webinar)

- EOS software

- Turo peer-to-peer

- Tow Wood Automotive

- Sixt Indianapolis

Discover in this episode:

0:00:00 to 0:07:00 introduction of Jared Kinnaird

0:05:10 to 0:14:20 Learnings from 2008 crisis to prepare 2020-21 Covid

0:14:20 to 0:19:00 Car market perspective on the used car

0:19:00 to 0:36:15 Yield stragegy: reduce utilization to maximize profit. Learn how

0:36:15 to 0:46:00 The management shifted his mindset on making more money on revenue per unit instead of focusing on utilization

0:51:05 to 0:59:00 "level-10" organizational meeting

0:55:30 to 1:20:15 Jared's revenue and general management tips

1:20:15 to end Peer to peer market evolution


How will the car rental evolve in the close future while they are under the pressure of the OEM, starting to put their tow into the hire mobility business and the new generation that does accept the traditional way of servicing them? Why are legacy car rental operators so scared about techno?

In this episode, Emmanuel Scuto, founder and CEO of WeYield, talks with Julian Espiritu, Managing Director at Abrams Mobility, the Leading consulting firm dedicated to car rental for the last 40 years.

They talk about

- car sharing innovation launched by ZipCar

- the change of rental approach under OEM pressure

- the technology has to drive the car rental process

Zipcar is a car-sharing company that provides automobile reservations to its members, billable by the minute, hour or day; members may have to pay a monthly or annual membership fee in addition to car reservations charges. Zipcar was founded in 2000 by Antje Danielson and Robin Chase, and in March 2013, was acquired by Avis Budget Group.

From day one, Zipcar owned its fleet providing a vehicle and the driver pays the car usage while all costs are included (fuel, parking, maintenance). A study proved that for every one new car input into ZipCar, 9 individual cars would be removed from the road.

Demand elasticity was monitored precisely to adapt pricing as well as capacity available using advanced data analysis. But Robin and the genuine team had no car rental experience. Thus, melted the techno team with car rental experts to invent a new approach that change the look on the industry.

How the car manufacturers known as OEM will impact the car rental business in 5 to 10 years from now? How the new generation will accept the constraints in the booking and rental process? Car rental operators are mostly afraid about implementing

To follow Julian,


Abrams Mobility Advisors


Turo (ex RelayRide)



Discover in this episode:

0:00:00 to 0:07:00 introduction of Julian Espiritu

0:07:00 to 0:15:45 amazing concept of ZipCar on a TV show late 90's

0:15:45 to 0:32:00 how pricing elasticity was used to optimize the demand in New York

0:32:10 to 0:40:08 ZipCar took off in 2007 before to be acquired by Avis for 500 million USD in 2009.

0:40:08 to 0:48:00 15yrs afterwards, where does the car sharing stand?

0:48:08 to 0:55:30 car rental will change under the pressure of OEM

0:55:30 to 1:08:55 will the legacy car rental operators lose the techno game?

1:08:55 to 1:17:10 how the new generation will consume the car rental service in a "Tesla" way of treating the customer

1:17:10 to end


What explains Expedia's undisputed success in the travel industry in general and in the car rental sector in particular? Why is customer experience more important than price for Expedia? How will the contactless transaction change the future of the car rental transaction by taking the concept of merchandise to the next level?

In this episode, Emmanuel Scuto, founder and CEO of WeYield, talks with Nicolas Le Nue, Director of Global & Key Accounts Car at Expedia Group.

They talk about
- pricing and spiral of shrinking prices further down
- customer experience as number one driver for Expedia
- the future of contactless and the possiblity to sell ancillaries by the car rental operator
- new markets like peer-to-peer and electric vehicles (EV)
- sharing point of view and vulnerabilty

When it comes to pricing, the most important thing Nicolas needs to focus on is customer value. There is no doubt that the lower the price, the worse the customer experience for the traveler, as Expedia shows.

Despite the perception that brokers are increasingly pulling down prices, Nicolas explains why low prices are a vicious circle. All parties lose in this approach.

Nicolas Le Nue has spent his entire career in the car rental business since 1997 as a booking agent for Europcar International, then moved to the UK to manage the UK booking team for Europcar. In 2011, Nicolas left the rental business to join Ebooker (Orbitz Group), the wholesale business.

From 2020 to 2023, the two-year pandemic had a significant impact on the car rental market, especially on the supply side for car rental operators. But on the consumer side, customers felt they were being served by a lower quality service as prices increased and the cars offered were older. Customer ratings have especially dropped in the U.S. market since Covid's launch (March 2020).

WeYield reported a higher level of cancellation with an increase of +25 and +35% in 2022.The number one criterion before the pandemic was price. Then during and after the pandemic, free cancellation policy became the number one criteria followed by car sanitation. The price went down. But starting in 4Q22, price and flexibility (change and cancellation). For Expedia, prices can go down as long as the customer experience is not affected.

As far as technology is concerned, a customer who uses the operator's applications is more loyal and regular. Contactless will enhance that loyalty and customer happiness. But from a revenue management perspective, will the car rental operator have less opportunity to recoup the low reservation price by selling accessories at the counter? For Nicolas Le Nue, the operator will have to push his options at the time of booking the special contactless transaction (in the form of a bundle).

Integration of medium or local brands remains a problem for Expedia because of technical issues related to connectivity. But peer-to-peer like Turo (carpooling) is a new market that Expedia Car is studying, but technical constraints remain a problem.

Nicolas learned from his long career that he should never hesitate to share his ideas. There is no wrong point of view, but a different one. Compared to a European (French) way of working, Expedia is much more open to sharing different points of view on a situation while making sure that all parties listen to each other.

Vulnerability: for Nicolas, it is extremely important that nobody is perfect and, as human beings, we should never hide when we don't know something.

To follow Nicolas,


- Wheels operating system edited by Wheelsys
- Jimpisoft car rental software RentWay
- Expedia car rentals
- Turo
- Nonviolent communication
- Philippe Moyen, coach

Discover in this episode:

- 0:00:00 to 0:10:00 Introduction of Nicolas Le Nue

- 0:10:00 to 0:18:10 Link between price and customer satisfaction at Expedia

- 0:18:10 to 0:36:25 Consumer changes since Covid started in March 2020

- 0:32:25 to 0:48:30 Contactless will be the next step to improve customer satisfaction

- 0:48:30 to O:53:35 Is it possible to be listed by Expedia if we are not a big brand?

- O:53:35 to 0:58:40 Nicolas' perception of the mobility market with electric vehicles EV

- 0:58:40 to 1:10:05 Differences between a European and an American company

- 1:10:05 to the end conclusion


How has scuba diving certification influenced the way Shady Younis learns and inspires his team at Advanced Car? Revenue Management is not only a topic to optimize pricing and fleet. It is also at the crossroads of Sales and Marketing. Shady shares all his tips, ideas but also the concrete actions he has put in place over the last 20 years to enhance all aspects of Advanced optimization.

In this episode, Emmanuel Scuto, founder and CEO of WeYield, talks with Shady Younis, Director of Sales and Marketing for Advanced Cars in Lebanon. Advanced is an independent car rental company based in Beirut and operating nationwide since . Originally a Datsun dealer before Nissan in the automotive industry, Advanced car rental company was established right after the "911" event.

Advanced's concept was created to provide service to a real customer, as in the hotel industry (with some amenities and a welcome drink), not just a driver of a car. This approach triggered significant word-of-mouth (40% of total rentals). It turned Advanced's satisfied and impressed customers into enthusiastic fans and turned them into its best sales force Shady could have dreamt about.

Staff participate in three corporate workshops each year on customer service. Each team member is asked to tell a story about a situation they encountered. In addition, all customers are asked to complete a satisfaction survey to ensure that no customer leaves unhappy.

In 2014, prior to the implementation of an operating system, Shady began managing Yield through an Access database, checking each reservation manually. The company has grown rapidly, from 30 cars to 1400 in 15 years, and especially in the last 5 years. One of the gas pedals was the contracts signed with NGOs, as no other rental company was involved in this activity during the various unfortunate humanitarian situations Lebanon was facing.

To compensate for the seasonal effect of summer (peak) in addition to the political instability from time to time, Advanced has moved from retail to more corporate activities. But how do you define the perfect mix of market segments? Shady uses the proportion of the national drink (Hara 30% / water 70%). This is how she was able to cope with the new Syrian crisis.

Shady is now a scuba diving instructor. The different steps he took to reach this level in order to be able to teach scuba diving to learners changed his way of doing things. This has had an impact on the way he manages training within Advanced for staff so that the "message" of the department is conveyed to the rest of the team. knowledge equals time x attention. It is the only way to learn and master a new subject.

Advanced has an important social responsibility that is shared among the employees: ecological impact, free cars for nurses during Covid 19 (campaign "Our cars are yours"), available cars and drivers ("Drivers Helping Hands" after the Beirut harbor explosion) or road safety (defensive driving lessons to improve road safety) are some of the social initiatives of Advanced Car.

"What is the best car rental in Lebanon? Shady interviewed ChapGPT and Alexa. Listen in to get the answer provided by the AI.

- 0:00:00 to 0:06:00 Introduction of Shady Younis

- 0:06:00 to 0:20:50 The begining of Advanced Cars with 5* hotel service standard

- 0:29:10 to 0:34:00 Engagement to improve the quality with the staff

- 0:38:00 to 1:00:30 How did Shady learn about Yield Management?

- 1:00:30 to 1:12:10 Can scuba diving influence the business change approach?

- 1:12:10 to 1:18:40 Business values to go beyond customer satisfaction

- 1:18:40 to 1:23:40 Read, read and read to continue to learn

- 1:23:40 to the end conclusion

- Jamil Assemaani
- Jimpisoft car rental software RentWay
- "Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work and Think" from Viktor Mayer-Schnberger and Kenneth Cukier


Data to anticipate the future.

In this episode, Olivier Jager, co-Founder and CEO of Forwardkeys is interviewed by Emmanuel Scuto, CEO and Founder of WeYield.

Olivier was journalist and started his first tech company at the end of teenage while he was following a business school curricular. Quickly he move to AOL and joined at Amadeus which was a good mix between data and the travel industry.

Data (Amadeus, Travelclick) gathered around the travel became a golden nugget to fine tune the sales action plan and extract more value for the optimization for the hotels. But without understanding the use case (pains) and the objective to reach, data is useless.

To go one step further in the understanding of the traveler behaviour, Olivier co-founded Forwardkeys analyzing huge amount of data generated by the GDS. But clearly, more data are coming from IATA source as the GDS gets only 25% of the total volume of transactions. Travel professional are not the only the one interested in the data: deluxe retailers have understood the strong link between origin of travelers and the amount of money spent in their shops. They now build their strategies on Forwardkeys data.

Olivier never stops exposing himself on sea, walking in mountains, moto and  biking to remain creative as possible but also to continue creating value. "It is not what you do thing but why and how you do it"


- 0:00:00 to 0:04:35 Introduction of Olivier Jager

- 0:04:45 to 0:08:20 Foreign language as an intercultural bridge between people

- 0:02:20 to 0:11:25 Youth in Senegal was a pilar of Olivier's personality

- 0:11:30 to 0:17:25 Journalism and entrepreneurship in tech at teenage

- 0:17:25 to 0:24:35 Start at Amadeus was a jump into the travel industry

- 0:24:35 to 0:30:50 Without a clear objective, solving a paint point with data might be useless.

- 0:30:50 to 0:41:50 Creation of Forwardkeys using air data to extract a new value from the air

- 0:41:50 to 0:52:40 How luxury brands are anticipating their sales using travel data

- 0:52:40 to 1:04:55 Sea, mountain, motor bike : oxygen bubbles

- 1:04:55 till end  Teenage advices to Olivier : expose yourself and create value to society


- Forwardkeys
- Travelclick now Amadeus Hospitality
- WeYield Air Analytics feature
- DMO = Destination Management Organization
- Revenue Machine Alienor Izri, passion in sailing

- Endurance : Shackleton's incredible voyage by Lansing, Alfred


This podcast is producted by WeYield, the revenue management company dedicated to the car rental industry.

In this episode, Emmanuel Scuto, Founder and CEO of WeYield, interviews Marcos del Cid, Managing Director of Niza Cars in Spain. Niza is an independent car rental company orginally based in Malaga and operating also in Barcelona since 2019. Niza has been a family business created by Marcos' father. The company grew a lot locally until 2010 and faced the internet revolution until brankrupcy in 2014 before to be bought by Moventia, a large mobile group in Barcelona.

Marcos and Niza has been strong in developing their direct channel to catch the consumer without being controled by the Brokers via significant marketing funds. The inclusive product "pay what you get" has been a great success: price is not a question of money but a question of clarity for the customer. There is economics behind renting a car.

The Revenue Management (RM) started manually and then with WeYield apps. For Marcos, RM is much more than simply monitoring the price of the competitors: demand forecast, pricing pace, macro demand with Air Analytics. Car rental business is not a question of volume but how to turn it profitable: volume of demand and fleet are not the drivers of a better margin. And company staff are accountable to the success from the Operational car cleaners to the rental agents. Marcos' hug way to salute his team.

Golf is still the passion of Marcos, up to handicap 5. For him, playing golf at professional level is like managing a company. Like on a starting tee or every morning at Niza, it is important to set a goal and have a clear vision how to reach it. Advices: listen more to his father and take more care about himself, continue to be curious to learn.


- 0:00:00 to 0:04:35 Introduction of Marcos del Cid

- 0:04:35 to 0:09:50 Story of Niza Cars starting the 1960's with cars and coaches

- 0:09:50 to 0:16:30 Strong growth from 1995 to 2014 facing internet revolution

- 0:16:30 to 0:21:45 Niza fell into bankrupcy until 2018

- 0:21:45 to 0:35:45 Technology to develop Niza's direct channels, transpartent pricing

- 0:35:45 to 0:45:00 Revenue Management project changed the way Niza is optimizing in 2021

- 0:45:00 to 0:52:00 All staff is crucial for the success of the company from the cleaner to the clerk

- 0:52:00 to 1:02:00 Similarities between playing golf and driving business

- 1:02:00 to 1:11:40 How does Marcos keep learning to progress and become better in life?

- 1:11:40 till end Conclusion

- inclusivo products
-, automatic rate scrapping


This podcast is produced by WeYield, the revenue management company dedicated to the car rental industry.

In this episode, Emmanuel Scuto, founder and CEO of WeYield, interviews Alienor Izri, a revenue management consultant in the car rental industry. Alienor is a French car rental optimization expert since 2015 and is based in New Zealand.

Alienor has a very scientific academic background combined with a creative passion in many fields (theater, photography). Moving to New Zealand to experience a new life, she started in car rental at Easy Car. Alienor moved the organization from static to dynamic pricing with the help of external consultants to implement this new approach with great improvements in efficiency. Quickly, Excel was not enough and systems were needed to update pricing at scale. For her, internal communication is crucial to facilitate exchanges between the different departments. Revenue Management quickly became the control tower of the organization.

Timeline :

- 0:00:00 to 0:07:50 Introduction of Alienor, history of mathematics
- 0:07:50 to 0:11:00 Start of car rental with Easy Car Rental
- 0:11:00 to 0:17:55 Switch from static to dynamic pricing
- 0:17:55 to 0:28:35 First results on company performance
- 0:28:35 to 0:38:20 System change to update prices at scale by leaving excel
- 0:38:20 to 0:43:35 Organization of internal communication between all departments
- 0:43:35 to 1:00:40 Transition from an independent car rental company to a large international brand
- 1:00:40 to 1:21:40 A strong choice to reconcile work and freedom
- 1:21:30 to 1:31:40 Advice to Alienor by Alienor

Reference of the book "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho


- Cars+ by Thermeon
- Wheels by Wheelsys
- MarginFuel
- WeYield
- instagram : alienorphotonz
- linked: alienor-izri-47355a52
- Wild life expo


This podcast is producted by WeYield, the revenue management company dedicated to the car rental industry.

In this episode, Emmanuel Scuto, Founder and CEO of WeYield, interviews Michael Meyer, Founder and CEO of Rate Highway. Established in Irvine, California, Rate Highway has a 20-year long well known experience in the automated rate positioning technology for the car rental industry.

Michael started is career in the mid-1980 and saw all the evolution of the technology from his first Commodore computer to today internet predominancy in all our life.

Timeline :

- 0:00:00 to 0:05:50 Introduction of Michael
- 0:05:50 to 0:08:26 How programing became the core of problem solving
- 0:08:26 to 0:33:00 Symmetry Computing, first company
- 0:33:00 to 0:42:00 Rateshoping started in hotels
- 0:42:00 to 1:00:00 US market vs the rest of the world
- 1:00:00 to 1:12:00 How has the techno impacted Ratehighway?
- 1:12:00 to end How does Michael learn and improve?

Book references:

- The phantom Tollbooth from Norton Juster
- The Power of Habit from Charles Duhigg


This podcast is producted by WeYield, the revenue management company dedicated to the car rental industry.
In this episode, Emmanuel Scuto, Founder and CEO of WeYield, shares his point of view on the coexistence between brokers and car rental companies.

He explains the differences in perception of the business on both sides and shares his recommendations for car rental companies to better manage this relationship built on the basis of power relations.

Timeline :

- 00:50 - introduction, context, differences between car rental operators and brokers, Emmanuel Scuto perspective,

- 02:04 - definitions

- 03:34 - history of car rental operators (Sixt, Hertz, Avis, Europcar) and history of OTA (Expedia, Last Minute) and brokers (, Rentalcars, Cartrawler and more)

- 07:16 - differences between brokers and car rental operators

- 14:00 - pressure on the supply (fleet) for the car rental operators

- 15:40 - WeYield tips on how to monitor precisely the broker performance (volume of activity and cancelations generated too) via